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La memoria de una comunidad.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Back in Full Effect

Dear Readers,
I am back after a brief vacation and wanted to update you on the latest happenings.

First of all, my work with the oral testimonies of the Jewish community continues and I am doing my best to locate additional funding to create an interactive website as well as finalize the community's electronic archival plan. I also hope to broadcast some of these brilliant testimonies via public radio here in the United States. That remains to be seen and any/all developments will be posted on the blog.

In the meantime, I will continue to contribute daily writings on this site and look forward to starting up communications with all of you again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica, We so enjoyed your presentation this afternoon, and it only reenforced the statement that Dr. Stu loves you, still!!

2:55 PM


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